Articles and Whitepapers

Articles on VMT and whitepapers in this section are in Dutch. Please let me know if you need an English translation. Articles are on the VMT website for which an account is needed, happy to send a link to my articles if you do not have an account.

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Claims state something about the composition and unique properties of a product. Claims are intended to entice you to choose specific products. Crafting the correct claims is complex as we are dealing with extensive European regulations. This whitepaper explains what the landscape of claims looks like and how your brand can stand out in this regard.

Read the NL white paper “Working with nutrition claims, what do you pay attention to?


Botanical claims have a distinct place in the European regulations on claims. Working with botanicals requires a bit more detail to ensure your consumer communication is done correctly. This white paper provides a brief overview of a unique situation; the botanicals on hold situation.

Read the white paper “Botanical claims – on hold situation”


There is a lot of talk about the Nutri-Score food choice logo. For the Netherlands, it has been decided that we will also see this logo on our products in 2024. Although there is discussion about the calculation (updated algorithm), the current algorithm is only applied in countries that have already been using the logo With the start in 2024, NL will only apply the updated algorithm.

Read the NL whitepaper “Nutri-Score in the Netherlands, what can we expect?


With Covid-19, there has been an increased focus on products that make claims of better immune function. This attention from consumers requires manufacturers to consider whether you should perhaps apply these types of claims to your products. In this whitepaper I will explain this topic, where I will mainly focus on claims for foods in the Dutch market.

Read the NL white paper “Claims about immunity, how would that work?